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Automic Group Leads In Virtual AGMs | Automic Group

Written by Automic IT | 24 May 2020

The recent forced changes from ASIC and the Australian Government have been difficult adjustments for many businesses, now requiring reliable digital solutions to continue conducting AGMs. The reforms announced in early May mean that companies are now able to convene AGMs entirely online, avoiding the need to have large face-to-face meetings.

As Australia’s leading professional services provider, we understood that these new ways of working would impact the way our clients do business and quickly developed a solution. As a result, Automic Group was the first share registry provider in Australia to facilitate virtual AGMs.

Our clients RED5 and Creso Pharma recently experienced the seamless process of running a fully virtual meeting with the assistance of our team. In order to stay compliant with ASIC’s new regulations, both AGMs leveraged technology allowing both presenting and voting side by side.

Get In Touch

We are fully equipped to run virtual AGMs. To access technology that allows clients to both attend and vote virtually contact Automic Group on 02 8072 1400.