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Assembly Funds Management engages Automic on registry and fund administration services - Automic Group

Written by Marcelo Dantas | 12 September 2023

Established in 2019 as a collaboration between Michael Gutman OBE, the Lowy Family Group (LFG), and Alceon, AFM has garnered a reputation for its focus on creating and operating diversified real estate private equity funds.

AFM’s unique diversified mandate allows them to adapt to changing sectoral fundamentals to maximise opportunities while also capitalising on select special situation investments to enhance returns.

The need for a full-service registry and fund administration provider drew Michael Gutman OBE, Founder, and CEO of AFM to Automic Group,

“Automic’s technology-driven platform and exceptional service levels, will undoubtedly enhance the investor experience, keeping the investors’ interests at the forefront of everything we do.”

Empowering insights for informed decisions

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Automic Group said,

“Automic’s proprietary registry platform offers real-time access and reporting on all holding and transaction activities through an intuitive and modern interface. This will empower AFM’s team with valuable insights, contributing to more informed decision-making, and provide a much-improved experience for AFM ‘s investors.”

“Automic’s fund administrative services will relieve AFM of back-office functions, allowing them to focus more on portfolio growth and management. This seamless collaboration aims to optimise AFM’s efficiency and productivity, ultimately benefiting their investors.”

ADPF2 target gross returns of 15 to 17 per cent for their wholesale and sophisticated investors has drawn significant attention in the industry and media, and with Automic Group’s support, AFM will continue to strengthen its position as a market leader in the real estate private equity sector.

The partnership marks a significant milestone in Australia’s real estate private equity funds, promising an innovative, user-centric, and streamlined investment experience.

For more information regarding fund registry and administration, contact
Max Swadling, Head of Funds Business Development & Solutions