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Australia's Leap in Modern Slavery Legislation

by Steve Morgan
28 August 2024

In an era where the global spotlight intensifies on corporate responsibility and ethical sourcing, Australia has distinguished itself as a beacon of progress in the fight against modern slavery.  

The inception of the Modern Slavery Act in 2018 and the establishment of the country's first Anti-Slavery Commissioner in 2024 are pivotal moments that not only underscore Australia's commitment to human rights but also serve as a model for global best practices. Through innovative legislation, collaborative efforts, and a dynamic approach to awareness and enforcement, Australia is leading by example in the eradication of modern slavery.  

The Genesis of the Modern Slavery Act: A Groundbreaker in Human Rights 

The Modern Slavery Act of 2018 marked a transformative moment. By requiring companies to examine and report on their supply chains, the Act not only elevated the standards for transparency but also fostered a culture of accountability. This innovative approach to legislation demonstrated Australia's commitment to acknowledge the complexities of modern slavery and actively combat it. The Act's emphasis on disclosure has encouraged industries to reevaluate their practices, ensuring that human rights are a cornerstone of their ESG disclosure suites 

Collaboration as a Catalyst for Change: Uniting Companies and Industries 

One of the Act's most significant triumphs is its ability to bring together companies and industries in a united front against modern slavery. By fostering an environment where collaboration is not just encouraged but necessary, the Act has catalysed a collective effort to address and mitigate the risks of modern slavery. Industries are now more inclined to share resources, insights, and strategies, creating a supportive network that leverages collective strengths to tackle a common challenge. 

Raising the Bar: Embedding Human Rights into Corporate Risk Management 

Awareness and education have been pivotal in embedding human rights considerations into corporate risk management processes across Australia. Companies are now more vigilant, with boards and senior leadership taking ownership of modern slavery-related risks. This proactive stance is complemented by widespread training programs that educate employees about the nuances of modern slavery and empower them to act. By integrating human rights education into corporate culture, Australia is ensuring that the fight against modern slavery is both informed and sustained. 

Australia's Global Stance: Recognition and Progress on the World Stage 

Australia's efforts in combating modern slavery have not gone unnoticed on the global stage. The recognition of Australia's progress in the US Department of State's 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report is a testament to the country's effective strategies and policies. The establishment of Australia's first Anti-Slavery Commissioner further solidifies the nation's commitment to leading by example, demonstrating an innovative and dynamic approach to advocacy and enforcement that has garnered international acclaim. 

The Role of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner: A New Frontier in Advocacy

The appointment of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner in 2024 marked a significant step forward in Australia's commitment to eradicating modern slavery. This role embodies the nation's innovative and proactive approach to tackling modern slavery, serving as both a symbol and an agent of change. The Commissioner's mandate to oversee and enhance Australia's efforts provide a centralised authority that can push for continuous improvement and adaptation in strategies to combat modern slavery. Read more in our whitepaper Understanding Modern Slavery: Progress, Challenges, and Strategies Ahead.  

Looking Ahead: The Future of Modern Slavery Legislation in Australia 

As we look to the future, the trajectory of Australia's efforts against modern slavery is both promising and inspiring. With a foundation built on innovative legislation, collaborative efforts, and a commitment to awareness and education, Australia is poised to continue its progress fighting against modern slavery. The dynamic and supportive approach to tackling this issue head-on ensures that Australia will remain at the forefront of human rights protection, setting a benchmark for others to follow. 

Through the Modern Slavery Act and the establishment of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner, along with the country's commitment to collaboration, awareness, and global leadership, Australia is demonstrating that proactive and innovative approaches can make a significant impact.  

Download our full whitepaper to learn: 

  1. The Context and Impact of the Modern Slavery Act 2018
    • Understand the transformative influence of the Modern Slavery Act in Australia, which mandates companies to scrutinise and report on their supply chains, enhancing transparency and fostering a culture of accountability.
  2. The Role of Collaboration in Combating Modern Slavery
    • Explore  how the Act has united companies and industries, promoting collaboration and resource sharing to effectively address and mitigate the risks associated with modern slavery. 
  3. Embedding Human Rights into Corporate Risk Management
    • Learn  about the importance of integrating human rights considerations into corporate risk management processes, supported by awareness and education initiatives that empower employees and leadership to take proactive stances against modern slavery. 
  4. Australia's Global Position and the Role of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner
    • Recognise Australia's international acclaim for its efforts in combating modern slavery, highlighted by the establishment of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner in 2024, which underscores the country's commitment to innovative and dynamic advocacy and enforcement strategies.