Automic Group | News

Leading the way with industry-first ISO 37301 certification, ensuring superior compliance and trust for customers

Written by Robbie Hulston | 2 July 2024


Trust and compliance are not just operational keywords but standards that define the integrity and success of organisations. Automic Group is proud to announce that we have become the first company in our industry to attain certification to the ISO 37301 Compliance Management standard. This certification complements our existing ISO 9001 Quality Management System, and ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certifications, substantiating our commitment to quality, compliance and information security.

The Significance of ISO 37301

To understand the significance of our ISO 37301 certification, it's important to know its origins and evolution.

International compliance standards have evolved over decades. AS3806 was first published in 1998 and was the first widely adopted standard. Through real-world application and experience, it was refined, strengthened and replaced by ISO 19600 in December 2014, but remained guideline-based and not able to be certified against. ISO 37301 was introduced in April 2021 in response to global corporate failures and to address the growing demand for strong, transparent, and certifiable compliance frameworks.

The standard is rigorous, tried and tested. Based on principles of good governance, proportionality, transparency and sustainability, it includes a risk-based approach, integrates with overall management processes, emphasises leadership and cultural commitment to compliance, and focuses on continuous improvement. Certification requires us to actively demonstrate to an independent third-party, on an annual basis, that every element of the standard is in place and operating effectively.

Automic has invested heavily in our risk and compliance capabilities and relentlessly built up our Compliance Management System over the past two years, incorporating many decades of multi-industry experience of our leadership teams, and learnings from the evolution of the Standard.

ISO 37301 Certification: A Commitment to Excellence

Driven by our unwavering commitment to integrity and trust, we have been committed to achieving ISO 37301 certification. This rigorous, independent audit validates our practices and demonstrates our dedication to continuous improvement. We are committed to setting and exceeding the highest standards of compliance and governance, ensuring our customers receive unparalleled reliability and trust.

Benefits of ISO 37301 for our clients 

For our clients, partners, and the broader financial services community, our ISO 37301 certification is a reassurance of our capability to manage and mitigate compliance risks effectively, maintain operational excellence, and uphold ethical standards. This certification signifies that we are a reliable partner, committed to integrity and trustworthiness. It also provides our clients with the confidence that their interests are safeguarded by a company that not only anticipates and adapts to regulatory changes but also sets new standards for compliance excellence.

It creates and sustains a culture of compliance, meaning that compliance is not just a task, ‘tick-a-box’ or buzz word, but is part of our DNA. It promotes a sense of pride for our staff, who thrive in an environment that continually develops their understanding, capabilities and confidence to service even the most complex of clients and their investors.

Independent certification allows our clients to focus more on their core business. We provide objective assurance, helping them meet their obligations and reduce their governance burden. This offers persuasive evidence when justifying their selection of Automic to Boards, Auditors, Investors, and Regulators.

Risk-Based Approach 

At the core of ISO 37301 and Automics' compliance strategy is a risk-based approach. This means our compliance efforts focus on the specific risks and challenges our clients face, allowing us to manage them more effectively. By prioritising resources and actions based on the likelihood and impact of compliance risks, we improve efficiency and deliver greater value to our stakeholders.

Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement 

Our commitment to ISO 37301 principles means we are dedicated to continuous improvement. By constantly evaluating and enhancing our compliance practices, we stay ahead of regulatory changes, ensuring our resilience. This dedication not only guarantees our adaptability but also drives innovation and excellence, providing our customers with top-tier services and unmatched reliability.