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Navigating Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards

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Embarking on a journey towards sustainability and compliance requires a deep understanding of the evolving landscape in which businesses operate. The introduction of the Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS), set to be applied from 2025, marks a pivotal shift towards integrating sustainability into the core financial reporting frameworks of companies and financial institutions. This blog post aims to decode the ASRS, providing a comprehensive guide for entities on navigating these changes efficiently and effectively.

Setting the Scene: The Importance of ASRS in Today's Business Environment

In an era where climate change and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of global conversations, businesses are increasingly held accountable for their environmental footprint. The Australian government's move to introduce mandatory climate-related financial disclosures underlines the critical need for transparency in how organisations can be impacted by a global economy transitioning to a low carbon world.  The ASRS not only aligns with global sustainability efforts but also sets a precedent for how Australian businesses approach and report on sustainability practices.

Deciphering ASRS: What It Means for Your Business

The ASRS framework builds upon the existing annual financial reporting structures, introducing a mandatory 'sustainability report' for in scope entities. This requirement is an evolution in corporate  reporting, where climate-related financial disclosures are intertwined with traditional financial statements. The essence of the ASRS is to ensure that entities disclose their exposure to material climate-related financial risks and opportunities, encompassing aspects such as greenhouse gas emissions, climate-related plans, and governance processes.

Identifying Your Reporting Obligations: A Strategic Approach

To navigate the ASRS effectively, entities must first understand their reporting obligations. This begins with identifying which group your entity falls into and the specific requirements that apply. It is crucial to engage with key stakeholders, including customers and financiers, to gauge their expectations and how these might influence your reporting journey even before the regulations come into force.

Climate-Related Financial Disclosures: Unveiling the Core Elements

At the heart of the ASRS are the climate-related financial disclosures, focusing on the entity's exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities. These disclosures must be comprehensive, covering short, medium, and long-term prospects, including how these factors affect cash flows, access to finance, or cost of capital. A detailed understanding of these elements will be key to fulfilling the ASRS requirements effectively.

From Risk to Opportunity: Understanding Climate Impact on Business

Transitioning to a sustainability-focused reporting framework is not merely about identifying risks but also recognising the opportunities that arise from a changing climate. Entities are encouraged to delve into how climate change impacts their business model and to explore avenues for innovation and growth within this new context. This shift in perspective is fundamental in aligning business strategies with sustainability goals.

Building a Robust Governance Framework for Sustainability Reporting

A robust governance framework is essential for effective sustainability reporting. Entities must ensure that their directors are fully informed of the changing requirements and expectations. Additionally, defining clear responsibilities within the organisation for managing data, risks, and reporting requirements is crucial. This structured approach to governance will support entities in meeting the ASRS demands efficiently.

Practical Steps to Compliance: From Boardroom to Operations

Compliance with ASRS requires a concerted effort across all levels of the organisation. Key steps include informing the board of the new requirements, conducting a thorough climate-related financial risk assessment, and understanding your emissions through scope 1 and 2 emissions assessments. These foundational activities will provide a solid basis for developing and implementing climate-related plans and governance processes.


ASRS Disclosure timelinesNote: NGERs reporting entities will fall into Group 1 reporting cohort. Entities that fulfill at least 2/3 thresholds will be required to report in the stated year.


Embracing the Future: How ASRS Shapes the Path to Net Zero

The ASRS is more than a compliance requirement; it is a stepping stone towards a sustainable future. By embedding sustainability into their operational and reporting frameworks, entities can play a pivotal role in the global transition to a net-zero economy. The journey towards compliance with the ASRS is an opportunity for businesses to re-evaluate their impact on the environment and to innovate towards more sustainable practices.


“ESG reporting is simply the next stage in a long series of important moves towards greater transparency and higher disclosure standards. Moves that benefit us all, from the consumer to the investor, to companies themselves – to say nothing of the planet.”

ASIC Chair, Joe Longo
June 2023

ASIC Chair, Joe Longo

The Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards represent a significant milestone in the integration of sustainability into the corporate governance and reporting landscape. By understanding the intricacies of the ASRS and adopting a strategic approach to compliance, entities can not only fulfil their regulatory obligations but also contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future. As we navigate these changes together, our commitment to innovation, trust, and support will be instrumental in shaping the path forward.

Automic’s climate services can support your business with all aspects of the ASRS. Contact us for a consultation or for further information.