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Automic Group 2022-2023 WGEA Pay Gap Statement

At Automic, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that reflects both our customers and the communities in which we operate.
At the heart of our culture, is our Automic values. One of our values, Equality, we define as being ‘kind and respectful to each other and our clients – with open perspectives, we all work together to make better decisions’.

Creating a diverse and inclusive culture relies on our ability to understand through key data points such as our engagement survey and gender analysis, where we are today, and developing a targeted action plan to drive improvements and enhance our employee experience.

We confirm that we pay our people according to their experience, competencies, and performance. We do not pay people differently based on their gender. The gender pay gap (10.6%) is caused by us having a lower proportion of females in senior roles and a higher proportion of females in non-manager roles.

Our 2022-23 submission demonstrates that the gender pay gap has improved over the previous year. Further, since the submission (May 2023), we have appointed two experienced female leaders to the executive leadership team significantly reducing the gender pay gap at that level (KMP).

We continue to remain committed to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that includes gender balance and equity.

  • Climate and emissions
  • Waste Management

  • Community giving
  • Diversity, equality, inclusivity
  • Talent attraction, retention, and development
  • Client satisfaction
  • Ethical business
  • Data security and privacy
Environmental Stewardship
Community Impact
Secure Technology
Responsible Business

Our commitment

We take responsibility for our environmental impacts through understanding and minimising them.

Our commitment

We will be a great place to work, celebrate the value of diversity, develop careers and contribute to our communities in which we operate.

Our commitment

We ensure cyber security and data privacy remains paramount and is a guiding focus in everything we do. 

Our commitment

We will work ethically, transparently and in the best interests of our stakeholders always. 

Environmental Stewardship


Our commitment

We take responsibility for our environmental impacts through understanding and minimising them.
Our Achievements
Carbon Neutral for Scope 1 & 2 emissions for Sydney and Melbourne offices
Engaged our major suppliers on ESG efforts to manage Automic’s impact beyond our four walls
Introduced waste management process for eligible beverage containers
Finalised our e-waste policy


Our Actions
Achieve Carbon Neutral status through Climate Active Certification
Empower Automic employees to minimise their workplace environmental impacts through knowledge  
Integrate environmental screening questions in supplier due diligence process
Set waste reduction and recycling  targets 


Community Impact


Our commitment

We will be a great place to work, celebrate the value of diversity, develop careers and contribute to our communities in which we operate.
Our Achievements
Great Place to Work Certification (Sept ‘23)
Continuous support for ReachOut (raised $2,927 in CY23), The Smith Family (donated $10,280 in CY23) and Take 3 for the Sea (donated $5,000)
eNPS score for Employee Engagement Survey of +35 (Jan ‘24) from +38 (Jul ‘23) 
Expanded staff benefits through introduction of Flare
42% of our managers identify as female 
Achieved 30% internal promotion/horizontal transfer
94% of our employees believe that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are valued at Automic (Jul ‘23)
Increased paid parental leave from 12 weeks (from 8 weeks) for primary carer and 2 weeks (from 1 week) paid for secondary carer


Our Actions
Submit culture audit for Best Workplaces List - Great Place to Work (May ‘24)
Improve staff accessibility for participation of all community initiatives (e.g. Laps for Life, Take 3 for the Sea) to increase uptake. 
Explore the feasibility of Work from anywhere week
Conduct 2 skill-based networking sessions/mentoring programs
Improve gender diversity in our leadership team from 42% to 45% female 
Introduce initiatives to encourage pre-tax workplace giving to Automic approved charities 
Ensure our recruitment process drives gender equality and diversity at all levels of the organisation
Increase knowledge of Automic team through education sessions (i.e., GPTW sessions, FYM, etc)


Secure Technology


Our commitment

We ensure cyber security and data privacy remains paramount and is a guiding focus in everything we do. 
Our Achievements
Onboarded a dedicated in-house penetration tester to ensure the highest levels of cybersecurity
Deployed Netskope and Cloud Access Security Broker solutions that strengthen data loss prevention tactics and provide advanced security for cloud applications
Completed 12 phishing simulation tests 
Conducted 1 external penetration and external social engineering tests
Implemented Mimecast that enhanced email security and filtering
Continued to enhance and improve secure software development practices


Our Actions
Maintain continuous strengthening of cyber security systems through system upgrades and external penetrations
Invest in comprehensive staff education programs to educate on the responsible use of AI and equip our employees with relevant skills to leverage AI
Further strengthen our disaster recovery practices by adding a real-time read-replica of our registry database
04 Increase the number of Availability Zones from 3 to 6 by adding the Melbourne region to our infrastructure


Responsible Business


Our commitment

We will work ethically, transparently and in the best interests of our stakeholders always. 
Our Achievements
Introduced mandatory compliance online training modules and achieved 100% completion rate for all eligible employees
Achieved ISO27001 certification for Automic’s technology platform
Achieved ISO9001 certification for Automic’s Registry platform
Established 3 lines of defence in risk governance model
Completed privacy data mapping exercise and published revised Privacy Policy
Achieved +50 NPS score 


Our Actions
Maintain annual ISO27001 and ISO9001 certifications for technology and registry, respectively
Extend ISO27001 certification to Automic Registry and Professional Services
Publish Automic’s Modern Slavery Statement
04 Produce Automic’s Risk Appetite Statement
05 Publish Automic Human Rights Policy 
06 Achieve ISO37301 certification for Automic’s compliance management system 
07 Expand Automic’s AFSL licence to support expansion in ESP services
08 Promote a robust ‘Speak Up’ culture at Automic by educating employees about the Whistleblower Policy 


ESG Performance Data

Material Topic
CY23 Data
Environmental Stewardship
Climate and Emissions
Scope 1 Emissions (tCO2-e)
Scope 2 Emissions (tCO2-e)
In progress
Scope 3 emissions (tCO2-e)
In progress
Waste management
Waste diverted away from landfill (%)*
Community Impact
Diversity, equality, and inclusivity
Women in workforce (%)
Women in senior leadership positions (%)
Talent attraction, retention, and development
eNPS score (Jan’24)
Employees promoted (%)
Attrition rate (%)
Community giving
Total amount donated to/raised for community initiatives (AUD)^
  • Donated $15,280 to The Smith Family and Take 3 for the Sea
  • Raised $2,927 for ReachOut
Participation rate for Take 3 for the Sea (%)
Security Technology
Data privacy and security
Number of cyber security tests conducted
  • External penetration – 1 test
  • External social engineering – 1 test
  • Phishing simulation – 12 tests
Number of impersonation attempts blocked
Number of application disaster discovery tests and exercises conducted
Number of cyber security breaches recorded
Responsible Business
Client satisfaction
Client NPS score
Ethical business
Employees trained on Code of Conduct and Cybersecurity Awareness (%)#
Modern Slavery Statement published
To be published by 30th June 2024
ISO certification compliance:
  • ISO27001
  • ISO9001
  • ISO37301
*Note that data here reflects the Sydney head-office only due to data availability from the Melbourne and Perth offices.
^Community initiatives that Automic Group donated to are ReachOut, Take 3 for the Sea, and The Smith Family.
#Employees refer to eligible employees which excludes employees on maternity leave and on casual contracts.